Alter Ego

Scé­na­rio : Bart Vaes­sen & Steve De Wilde
Réa­li­sa­tion : Mathieu Mor­tel­mans, Fre­de­rike Migom
Tour­nage :  Prin­temps 2022.
Pro­duc­tion : A Team productions

Sus­pense, Death and Love. Alter Ego is a high concept mys­te­ry dra­ma series set in a unique world where death moves among the popu­la­tion to accom­plish her task : tou­ching those whose “last hour” strikes after that moment.
In her hiding place, the inter­na­tio­nal Sla­va­tor Bank, the many clones of Death only have one appea­rance. That of a sty­lish young red­hai­red woman. When the clones are among us, they take the form of their alter ego, which is dif­ferent for each clone. Death is ruth­less, attrac­tive and uns­top­pable..